Mientras leía este articulo pensaba que acaban de identificar al publico objetivo de los manipuladores, populistas y anti-ciencia. El reto es como se puede trabajar con esas poblaciones desde la Práctica Basada en Evidencia (evidence-based) para contrarrestar las campañas que están recibiendo y seguirán recibiendo desde otras fuentes.
Howley, P., Waqas, M., Moro, M., Delaney, L., & Heron, T. (2020). It’s Not All about the Economy Stupid! Immigration and Subjective Well-Being in England. Work, Employment and Society, 34(5), 919–936. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017019866643«
Un resumen de la evidencia:
«much of the research that has been done in the UK suggests that immigration has had little, if any, negative impact on the labour market outcomes of natives and this finding is mirrored in much of the research outside the UK (Card, 2005; Dustmann et al., 2013; Lemos and Portes, 2013).»
«the available evidence suggests that migrants are typically younger and healthier, and in turn more likely to be at work (hence less likely to access social services) than the native UK population. In effect, it is likely that they not only pay their own way, but also partly subsidise the costs of public services for others (Dustmann et al., 2010). «
Los mensajes en las redes
«In public discourse, immigration is also often associated with increased burdens on taxpayers through rising health care costs and demand for social services. «
«The effect of this influx of new migrants on the UK economy has been the subject of intense political debate, and was one of the dominant issues in the recent UK referendum on EU membership.»
Y el efecto que producen (qué población es más vulnerable a los mensajes que a la evidencia)
«Considering the population as a whole (main effects), we find using both a fixed-effects (following the same individuals over time) and instrumental variable specification (quasi-natural experiment) that net inflows of foreign-born individuals into local areas are associated with negative (albeit relatively small) subjective well-being impacts for natives. These negative impacts are much more notable, however, for certain groups, such as relatively older individuals (60+), the unemployed, those with below-average household incomes and finally those without any formal educational qualifications.»
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