Ya está abierto el Call for Papers para el número especial del que soy editor jefe: “High Performance Work Practices and Kaizen: How Sustainable are They?” en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601). La revista es Q1 en JCR en la categoría PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH – SSCI y Q1 en citescore de scopus, en la categoria Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health.
Un pocas palabras, el tema del número especial es:
This Special Issue addresses the sustainability of high-performance work practices or kaizen, from the point of view of their long-term effects on organizations, the environment and workers’ well-being. In this way, we hope to present a set of contributions that will enable development (people, planet, and profit) to be addressed from different perspectives.
Pero convine que miréis la información detallada en: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph/special_issues/Work_Kaizen
En la pagina web no aparecen la lista de referencias citadas, pero puedes consultarla aqui:
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