Just published Bonavia, T., & Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2019). Spanish validation of the leader empowering behavior questionnaire (lebq). Frontiers in Psychology, 10(2368). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02368
#HRM #ContinuousImprovement #TalentManagement

The concept of empowering leadership (EL) has attracted widespread academic and practical interest and different questionnaires have been developed to measure it. However, there are no instruments to measure EL in the Spanish language. This article presents the translation, adaptation, and validation of a scale to measure this construct. In addition, it analyzes the relationship between managers’ EL and employees’ job satisfaction. In turn, the study analyzes whether employees who participate in a greater number of continuous improvement (CI) programs have supervisors who favor more empowering behaviors. A total of 739 participants with various occupations from different companies that have implemented CI processes filled out the Spanish version of the Leader Empowering Behavior Questionnaire (LEBQ-sp). Two different subsamples were used to test the relationships between the LEBQ and job satisfaction and CI, by means of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and analysis of variance, making it possible to provide evidence about the validity of the Spanish LEBQ. The confirmatory factor analysis supported the original structure of the six-factor model. The factors show a high level of internal consistency, as well as sufficient convergent and discriminant validity. Moreover, the results show that the more companies invest in formal CI programs, the more important it is for their leaders to adapt their behavior by displaying more EL. The LEBQ-sp is a valid and reliable instrument for use in research and a useful tool for applied purposes in the context of Spanish-speaking countries.

Visitas: 18

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. (2018). What are the research focuses regarding learning in the field of operations management in higher education? The case of Spain in 2017. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 11(4), 607-616. doi:

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. (2018). What are the research focuses regarding learning in the field of operations management in higher education? The case of Spain in 2017. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 11(4), 607-616. doi:

Purpose: What are the current research topics being studied by higher education professors in the area of operations management in Spain with regard to the learning of their students? Are the approaches that support these investigations adequate?

Design/methodology/approach: For the analysis, we have selected 25 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals published by Spanish authors in 2017, and we have encoded them using Atlas.ti.

Findings: Most of the research centers on a very basic type of approach to learning, which reproduces the type of research typically conducted more than 40 years ago (type 1). For this reason, we propose an example of how to convert type 1 research questions into type 2 or 3 questions.

Originality/value: This paper collects and summarizes the main works on learning research carried out by members of ACEDEDOT and published in 2017, identifying themes, methods, levels of teacher conception and focus on the type of student learning. We intend to use this information to create a map of the current situation and propose possible suggestions to implement evidence-based instruction on operations management.


scholarship, student learning, student engagement, higher education

Visitas: 21

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., Alfalla-Luque, R., & Machuca, J. A. D. (2018). A triple-a supply chain measurement model: Validation and analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(10) doi:10.1108/IJPDLM-06-2018-0233

Marin-Garcia, J. A., Alfalla-Luque, R., & Machuca, J. A. D. (2018). A triple-a supply chain measurement model: Validation and analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(10), null. doi:10.1108/IJPDLM-06-2018-0233
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to establish definitions and dimensions of Triple-A supply chain (SC) variables based on a literature review and to validate a Triple-A SC measurement model using a worldwide multiple informant sample. Design/methodology/approach Following a literature review, Triple-A SC variables (agility, alignment and adaptability) are conceptualized and a list of possible items is created for their measurement. An international 309 plant sample is used to validate the convergent and criterion validities of the composites proposed to measure Triple-A SC. Findings Contributions to the literature: clarification of Triple-A SC variable concepts; identification of key dimensions of Triple-A SC variables; development of a validated Triple-A SC measurement scale for future empirical research and industrial applications. Research limitations/implications A rigorously validated instrument is needed to measure Triple-A SC variables and enable researchers to credibly test theories regarding causal links between capabilities, practices and performance. Practical implications Proposal of a scale for use by managers of different functions to analyze Triple-A SC deployment in the company. Originality/value The only Triple-A SC scale used in the previous literature has serious limitations: scales were not taken from an extended literature review; data were collected from single respondents in a single country. This is the first validated Triple-A SC measurement model to overcome these limitations

Visitas: 15

Publicado: Losilla et al (2018) Three risk of bias tools lead to opposite conclusions in observational research synthesis

Nuevo artículo publicado que me ha permitido colaborar con estupendos investigadores del área de la salud para seguir avanzando en instrumentos que nos permitan hacer mejor ciencia y, sobre todo, informarla mejor. Algo que me interesa doblemente como editor de WPOM y de JIEM. Por otra parte, sufrir los estándares de publicación de una Q1 en el área de CC de la salud también es una experiencia interesante.

Visitas: 68

Publicado-Marin-Garcia & EtAl (2016) Proposal of a Framework for Innovation Competencies Development and Assessment (FINCODA)

Marin-Garcia, J., Andreu Andres, M., Atares-Huerta, L., Aznar-Mas, L., Garcia-Carbonell, A., González-Ladrón-de-Gevara, F., Montero Fleta, B., Perez-Peñalver, M., & Watts, F. (2016). Proposal of a Framework for Innovation Competencies Development and Assessment (FINCODA). WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 7(2), 119-126. doi:

In this article we propose an innovation competence model of the people which is based on the existing literature to integrate and complement existing models. The main contribution of this work consists in demonstrating the differences and similarities of current models and in providing a conceptual definition for each model element. In this way, both researchers and people in charge of human resources in companies obtain a framework with which to design measuring instruments to assess innovation competence, which can fulfill the twofold demand of validity and reliability.

This work has been conducted as part of a European project financed by the European Union [“FINCODA” Project 554493-EPP-1-2014-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA] ( (The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein); and by the Universitat Politénica de Valencia PIME/2015/A/009/A “Evaluation of innovative behavior indicators in university students”.

Cartton abstract


competence assessment; innovation; model; literature review

Visitas: 24

Publicado- Gumaelius Et Al (2016-on-line) Outreach initiatives operated by universities for increasing interest in science and technology

Visitas: 20

Publicado-MARIN-GARCIA, Juan A.(2015) Publishing in two phases for focused research by means of “research collaborations”

MARIN-GARCIA, Juan A.. Publishing in two phases for focused research by means of “research collaborations”. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 76-80, dec. 2015. ISSN 1989-9068. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 dec. 2015. doi:

(La publicación en dos fases para la investigación enfocada a través de “research collaborations”)

We present and justify a new way to research and publish. This proposal is not intended to substitute or replace traditional ways of doing science, but rather complement, filling a gap and providing an efficient way to achieve scientific advances. The process begins with the sending a proposal of protocol to WPOM. Proposals are evaluated in each of the collaborations, depending on the potential to fill a research niche in the area. In the case of accepted protocols, WPOM guarantees commitment to publish the article if the protocol and deadlines are met. Thus, researchers can develop their projects focusing on meeting the protocol that has been approved without the question of whether, once completed, research is relevant or if the methodology is correct.


En este artículo presentamos y justificamos una nueva forma de investigar y publicar. Esta propuesta no pretende sustituir o reemplazar a los modos tradicionales de hacer ciencias, sino complementarlos, rellenando una laguna y ofreciendo un camino eficiente para lograr los avances científicos. El proceso se inicia con el envío de la propuesta de protocolo WPOM. Las propuestas se evalúan, en cada una de las collaborations, en función del potencial para cubrir un nicho de investigación en el área. En el caso de ser aceptados los protocolos, WPOM garantiza un compromiso de publicación del artículo si se cumple el protocolo y plazos prometidos en el proyecto. De este modo, los investigadores pueden desarrollar proyectos de escritura centrándose en cumplir el protocolo que ha sido aprobado, sin la incógnita de si, una vez terminada, la investigación es relevante o si la metodología es la correcta.



focused research; protocol; collaboration;Investigación enfocada; protocolos

Visitas: 19

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., & Santandreu-Mascarell, C. (2015). What do we know about rubrics used in higher education? Intangible Capital, 11(1), 118-145.

Marin-Garcia, J. A., & Santandreu-Mascarell, C. (2015). What do we know about rubrics used in higher education? Intangible Capital, 11(1), 118-145. doi: 1697-9818 – Print ISSN: 2014-3214

Acceso al PDF del documento:

Purpose: In this paper we compare the search strategies and the results of three recent literature reviews on the rubrics use in education. With all this we aim to identify what is known, what it is not known yet and if there is material to launch a new literature review right now.

Design/methodology/approach: Comparative analysis of three recen literature reviews and systematic literature review.

Findings and Originality/value: Of the 142 papers included in the three recent reviews, few focus on university learning and the results are not broken down by educational level. We believe that there is no conclusive scientific answer to how to create and validate an assessment rubric for university courses, or what purpose they serve , or if it’s worth the effort to develop them. Recommendations for the appropriate use of rubrics are based on anecdotal evidence without robust and proven methodology. Nor is easy to find what subjects, or what objects, and in what contexts have been investigated the rubrics or which validated rubrics are available.

Originality/value: we conducted a new review and we compare the selected papers with those used in previous reviews. We have located 241 new papers not included in previous reviews. Probably all this new material can be used in the future for a meta-analysis


rating; scoring; rubric; Higher Education; systematic Literature Review; assessment instrument; educational; learning; self-assessment; peer-assessment

Visitas: 14

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., Martínez-Gómez, M., & Giraldo-O’Meara, M. (2014). Redesigning work in university classrooms: factors related to satisfaction in engineering and business administration students. Intangible Capital, 10, 1026-1051.

Rediseñando el trabajo en las aulas universitarias: Factores relacionados con la satisfacción en estudiantes de ingeniería y administración de empresas
Marin-Garcia, J. A., Martínez-Gómez, M., & Giraldo-O’Meara, M. (2014). Redesigning work in university classrooms: factors related to satisfaction in engineering and business administration students. Intangible Capital, 10, 1026-1051.


Objeto: Con este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo afectan las características del contexto del aprendizaje, es decir, cómo es el trabajo de los estudiantes en la asignatura, al potencial motivador de la asignatura y a la satisfacción de los estudiantes

Diseño/metodología: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) se ha analizado los datos de una muestra transversal (cursos 2008, 2009 y 2010) de 535 estudiantes de ingeniería industrial y administración de empresas, de una universidad pública española.

Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados, utilizando un instrumento validado y adaptado al mundo docente, demuestran la asociación existente entre las características del tipo de trabajo de los estudiantes, el perfil motivador de la asignatura  y la satisfacción.

Limitaciones: la escala de identidad no tiene un ajuste excesivamente bueno y sus resultados deberían considerarse tentativos. La muestra es limitada para generalizar las conclusiones, debería extenderse en el futuro a otras universidades y contemplar estudiantes de posgrado.

Valor añadido: en este trabajo confirmamos que se cumple el modelo JDS adaptado a la docencia. Comprobamos que las variedad, la identidad, la significación, la autonomía, la retroalimentación del puesto y la retroalimentación social  son elementos de un constructo de segundo orden que representa el perfil motivador de de la asignatura y que los valores de este constructo están relacionados positiva, significativa y sustancialmente con la satisfacción general percibida por el estudiante. También hemos comprobado que estas relaciones se mantienen en muestras de alumnos de diferentes años o de titulaciones bastante dispares. Gracias a ello, los profesionales docentes pueden utilizar el modelo de  análisis y rediseño de puesto para ayudar a favorecer la motivación y la satisfacción de sus estudiantes.

Palabras clave

rediseño de puestos de trabajo; motivación; satisfacción; contexto del aprendizaje; JDS; educación universitaria

Texto completo: PDF[es]


Purpose: We analyze how it affects the teaching model to motivational potential of the course and student satisfaction. Design/methodology: Using structural equation modeling (SEM) has analyzed data from a cross-section (2008, 2009 and 2010) of 535 students of industrial engineering and business administration, a Spanish public university.

Findings: The results, using a validated instrument adapted to the teaching world, demonstrate the association between the characteristics of the type of student work, the motivating potential of the subject and satisfaction.

Research limitations/implications: The Identity scale does not have good fit and the results should be considered tentative. The sample is limited and does not allow to generalize the findings, it should be extended in the future to include other universities and graduate students.

Originality/value: This work confirm that the JDS model adapted to teaching is met. We found that the variety, identity, significance, autonomy, job feedback and social feedback are elements of a second-order construct representing the motivating potential of the subject and that the values of this construct are positively related, significantly and substantially to the overall satisfaction perceived by the student. We have also found that these relationships are maintained on samples of students from different years or rather different degrees. As a result, education professionals can use the model for analysis and redesign of jobs to help foster motivation and student satisfaction.


Job redesign, Motivation, Satisfaction, Learning context, JDS, Higher education, University

Full Text: PDF[es]

Visitas: 30

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., Garcia-Sabater, J. J. (2014). Levels in the evolution of continuous improvement: A multiple case study. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 584-618

Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., & Garcia-Sabater, J. J. (2014). Levels in the evolution of continuous improvement: A multiple case study. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 584-618.

Online ISSN: 1697-9818 – Print ISSN: 2014-3214

Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua: Estudio multicaso


Objeto: El modelo de evolución de la mejora continua en las empresas está en un estado intermedio de desarrollo. En investigaciones previas se han planteado y validado las etapas o niveles y los comportamientos o conductas asociadas a cada una de ellas en los procesos de mejora continua. Sin embargo no está clara la relación entre etapas, rutinas entendidas como conjuntos de comportamientos y facilitadores. En este trabajo se propone una definición conceptual diferenciada para los facilitadores y para las conductas de la mejora continua. También se ha recopilado y resumido un listado de los facilitadores que dan soporte al desarrollo de la mejora continua en la empresa y propone un modelo de cuándo y cómo se activan los facilitadores y el impacto que tienen esos facilitadores para ir avanzando en las diferentes etapas de evolución del programa de mejora continua.

Diseño/metodología: Estudio cualitativo multicaso con 4 empresas medianas, líderes en sus sectores, y con recursos económicos.

Aportaciones y resultados: Presenta una propuesta de relación entre facilitadores, etapas de evolución y sus conductas asociadas y pone de manifiesto que la evolución de la implantación de la mejora continua no se trata de un continuo incremental, sino que existe un punto de discontinuidad entre las etapas 3 y 4, que exige un cambio radical en el proceso de implantación.

Valor añadido: Extiende el modelo de Bessant et al (2001) explicitando cómo avanzar en el desarrollo de la implementación de unos niveles a otros superiores a través de la activación de los facilitadores adecuados. También presenta ejemplos de aplicación que pueden resultar muy ilustrativos para los directivos de producción. Además, plantea una secuencia de activación de los facilitadores que permite orientar a los mandos en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la implantación y despliegue de la mejora continua en sus empresas.

Palabras clave

mejora continua, facilitadores, conductas, evolución, caso, modelo de evolución


Purpose: The evolution model of continuous improvement is at an intermediate stage of development. Previous research had been raised and validated levels and behaviors of continuous improvement. However, there is no clear relationship between levels, routines in terms of group of behaviours, and enablers. We propose a differentiated conceptual definition for facilitators and for the behaviors. We have also collected and summarized a list of enablers that support the development of continuous improvement. In addition, we propose a model of when and how to activate the enablers and the impact of these enablers to go forward at different stages of evolution of the continuous improvement.

Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative Multicase study with 4 midsize businesses with financial resources and leaders in their industries.

Findings and Originality/value: Presents a relationship between facilitators, phases of evolution and its associated behaviors and demonstrates that the evolution of the implementation of continuous improvement is not a continuous incremental, but there is a point of discontinuity between stages 3 and 4 , which requires a radical change in the implementation process.

Originality/value: extend the model of Bessant et al. (2001) explaining how to advance the implementation to higher levels of continuous improvement through the activation of appropriate facilitators. It also presents examples of applications that can be very illustrative for production managers. Also raises an activation sequence of facilitators for guiding the manager in making decisions related to the implementation and deployment of continuous improvement in their companies.


Continuous improvement; enablers; behaviors; case-study; evolution model

Visitas: 19