Universidad Politecnica de Valencia uses Simio simulation software under a grant from Simio LLC (www.simio.com).
Getting Started
On the Simio software start page you will find helpful information to get you started. We highly recommend getting started with the Introduction to Simio manual which provides a short overview of many of the product features. You can search Simio™s Help file for more detail on any topic. Additionally, you may look at our examples and SimBits for ideas and solutions to common problems.
Student Software
Students can of course use the Academic Version above that is installed on university computers, however many students prefer to have software installed on their own computers to use at their convenience. While the Academic Version cannot legally be installed on student computers, the Student Version has all the same functionality (no feature or size limits) as the Academic Version, except that it is licensed to individual students for one year. The Student Version is only for students taking a class and is available for a nominal fee (US $25 for 1 year unlimited access to a $10,000 product).
· If you are teaching a class and want to enable your students to purchase personal software you can request it at: http://hs.simio.com/upgrade-simio-academic-software/.
· If your university is interested in bulk purchasing licenses for students to install on their own machines, please request that at academic@simio.com.
Need more licenses for university computers?
If you find that you need additional seats for your labs, you can use the same link for that request (http://hs.simio.com/upgrade-simio-academic-software/). In general, we are happy to provide as many copies as are needed to support your simulation teaching and research.
There are two main parts to a simulation class, teaching about a product-specific modeling constructs and teaching about simulation technology and procedures in general. The Simio Reference Guide (pdf) that is included with the software deals mostly with the former, and includes a light treatment of the latter. Typical academic simulation classes often provide more concentration on the latter. There are several good textbooks available which support that, including:
· Discrete-Event System Simulation by Banks, Carson, Nelson and Nicol (Prentice Hall) – This seems most suitable for an undergraduate program.
· Simulation Modeling & Analysis by Law (McGraw Hill) – This seems more suitable for a graduate program.
Either of these books (and others) can be used to supplement the Simio materials with a more rigorous coverage of topics like general simulation, input analysis, and output analysis. In addition the Success In Simulation blog covers many practical aspects of modeling and I recommend integrating it into your class by assigning particular articles to read each week.
A Simio specific textbook is being written by David Kelton, Alexander Verbraeck, Jeffrey Smith, and David Sturrock for September 2010 availability.
Teaching Resources
Our academic training materials discussed on the web site are available now. You may follow the links below to the planning guide, slides, workshops, textbooks, transition materials, and more. See http://www.simio.com/academics/simio-academic-resources.htm for more description of the materials. I think you will also find that the videos currently posted on our web site (http://www.simio.com/training.html) will give you and your students a good jump start at training.
Release Date: January 2011
Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications
Authors:Â W. David Kelton , Jeffrey S. Smith, David T. Sturrock, Alexander Verbraeck
Content:Â The book will be organized into five parts: Simulation Concepts, Basic Model-Building with Simio, Statistical Design and Analysis, Advanced Simio Topics, and Case Studies Using Simio. Each part is composed of two to five focused chapters. While the book as a whole will be fully integrated, the first two parts could stand alone as a module of a few weeks in a larger survey course, as well as serve as the foundation of a whole course on simulation that would go on to include some or all of the last three parts. Click here to see the Table of Contents
Early Adopter Program, Available August 15, 2010
This features a draft version of the textbook in a PDF form that will be available free to professors and students. We may not have dotted all the I’s or crossed all the T’s but we are confident the draft will be more than ready for classroom use. Email us here to learn more about the draft version.
Interested in Getting An Early Look at the Book?
Professors who would like to get an early look at the book in progress or provide review feedback can email: academic@simio.com. An early draft will be available soon!
There is a 6-chapter e-book titled Introduction to Simio. The e-book itself is included free as part of the Simio download (see the Simio software Start Page). A higher-resolution printable version of this same book is available free for download from the Simio web site. Simio also provides a set of 24 short slide sets to match this book (see IntroductionToSimioSlides.zip).
IntroductionToSimio_BookForPrint.pdf http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/IntroductionToSimio_BookForPrint.pdf
-A six chapter introduction to Simio.
IntroductionToSimio_Slides.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/IntroductionToSimio_Slides.zip
-This webinar is a series of slides which are in conjunction with the book. These six chapters and companion webinars will walk you through concepts and methods for building complex models with Simio, as well as building your own custom modeling libraries for use with Simio
There is a set of materials referred to as Learning Simio that has been used in numerous commercial courses as well as a few academic courses.
SelectingCourseModules.pdf http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/SelectingCourseModules.pdf
– This is a brief overview of the materials available with some guidance on selecting from the various modules to create a course that meets your objectives.
SimioCourseModules.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/SimioCourseModules.zip
– This is a set of slides with extensive presenter notes to teach the Simio-specific portions of a simulation course. The content also includes light treatment of some foundational topics. The slide set is accompanied by example problems – finished models of what would be built by the instructor.
SimioCourseLabs.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/SimioCourseLabs.zip
– This password protected file contains solutions to the workshops in the Simio Course Modules. The password is Solutions-NotForStudents. Please do not share either the password or the contents with students.
There are other supplemental and transition materials available. The discussion below can assist you in selecting from those materials.
TransitionMaterials.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/TransitionMaterials.zip
– This includes slides and white papers to help ease the transition from other products. If you have previously taught Arena, you might take particular interest in course materials provided by Jeffrey Smith of Auburn that includes some Simio solutions to problems from the Simulation with Arena textbook by Kelton/Sadowski/Sturrock.
DiscreteEventSystemSimulation_CourseModules.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/DiscreteEventSystemSimulation_CourseModules.zip
– This contains the slides designed to accompany the Discrete-Event System Simulation textbook by Banks, et.al.
SimioReferenceGuide.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academicSimioReferenceGuide.zip
-We recommend using the reference guide that is available at the start page of the software, but here is an all inclusive reference guide for various Simio concepts and product layout for your convenience.
SimioEntireAcademicPackage.zip http://www.simio.com/downloads/public/academic/SimioEntireAcademicPackage.zip
– Includes all of the above (except the Simio software) in one convenient download.
As we share these materials freely with you, we hope that you will also share with us your feedback and contributions to help us improve these materials.
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