Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., Martínez-Gómez, M., & Giraldo-O’Meara, M. (2014). Redesigning work in university classrooms: factors related to satisfaction in engineering and business administration students. Intangible Capital, 10, 1026-1051.

Rediseñando el trabajo en las aulas universitarias: Factores relacionados con la satisfacción en estudiantes de ingeniería y administración de empresas
Marin-Garcia, J. A., Martínez-Gómez, M., & Giraldo-O’Meara, M. (2014). Redesigning work in university classrooms: factors related to satisfaction in engineering and business administration students. Intangible Capital, 10, 1026-1051.


Objeto: Con este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo afectan las características del contexto del aprendizaje, es decir, cómo es el trabajo de los estudiantes en la asignatura, al potencial motivador de la asignatura y a la satisfacción de los estudiantes

Diseño/metodología: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) se ha analizado los datos de una muestra transversal (cursos 2008, 2009 y 2010) de 535 estudiantes de ingeniería industrial y administración de empresas, de una universidad pública española.

Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados, utilizando un instrumento validado y adaptado al mundo docente, demuestran la asociación existente entre las características del tipo de trabajo de los estudiantes, el perfil motivador de la asignatura  y la satisfacción.

Limitaciones: la escala de identidad no tiene un ajuste excesivamente bueno y sus resultados deberían considerarse tentativos. La muestra es limitada para generalizar las conclusiones, debería extenderse en el futuro a otras universidades y contemplar estudiantes de posgrado.

Valor añadido: en este trabajo confirmamos que se cumple el modelo JDS adaptado a la docencia. Comprobamos que las variedad, la identidad, la significación, la autonomía, la retroalimentación del puesto y la retroalimentación social  son elementos de un constructo de segundo orden que representa el perfil motivador de de la asignatura y que los valores de este constructo están relacionados positiva, significativa y sustancialmente con la satisfacción general percibida por el estudiante. También hemos comprobado que estas relaciones se mantienen en muestras de alumnos de diferentes años o de titulaciones bastante dispares. Gracias a ello, los profesionales docentes pueden utilizar el modelo de  análisis y rediseño de puesto para ayudar a favorecer la motivación y la satisfacción de sus estudiantes.

Palabras clave

rediseño de puestos de trabajo; motivación; satisfacción; contexto del aprendizaje; JDS; educación universitaria

Texto completo: PDF[es]


Purpose: We analyze how it affects the teaching model to motivational potential of the course and student satisfaction. Design/methodology: Using structural equation modeling (SEM) has analyzed data from a cross-section (2008, 2009 and 2010) of 535 students of industrial engineering and business administration, a Spanish public university.

Findings: The results, using a validated instrument adapted to the teaching world, demonstrate the association between the characteristics of the type of student work, the motivating potential of the subject and satisfaction.

Research limitations/implications: The Identity scale does not have good fit and the results should be considered tentative. The sample is limited and does not allow to generalize the findings, it should be extended in the future to include other universities and graduate students.

Originality/value: This work confirm that the JDS model adapted to teaching is met. We found that the variety, identity, significance, autonomy, job feedback and social feedback are elements of a second-order construct representing the motivating potential of the subject and that the values of this construct are positively related, significantly and substantially to the overall satisfaction perceived by the student. We have also found that these relationships are maintained on samples of students from different years or rather different degrees. As a result, education professionals can use the model for analysis and redesign of jobs to help foster motivation and student satisfaction.


Job redesign, Motivation, Satisfaction, Learning context, JDS, Higher education, University

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Visitas: 31

Publicado: Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., Garcia-Sabater, J. J. (2014). Levels in the evolution of continuous improvement: A multiple case study. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 584-618

Marin-Garcia, J. A., Bautista Poveda, Y., & Garcia-Sabater, J. J. (2014). Levels in the evolution of continuous improvement: A multiple case study. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 584-618.

Online ISSN: 1697-9818 – Print ISSN: 2014-3214

Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua: Estudio multicaso


Objeto: El modelo de evolución de la mejora continua en las empresas está en un estado intermedio de desarrollo. En investigaciones previas se han planteado y validado las etapas o niveles y los comportamientos o conductas asociadas a cada una de ellas en los procesos de mejora continua. Sin embargo no está clara la relación entre etapas, rutinas entendidas como conjuntos de comportamientos y facilitadores. En este trabajo se propone una definición conceptual diferenciada para los facilitadores y para las conductas de la mejora continua. También se ha recopilado y resumido un listado de los facilitadores que dan soporte al desarrollo de la mejora continua en la empresa y propone un modelo de cuándo y cómo se activan los facilitadores y el impacto que tienen esos facilitadores para ir avanzando en las diferentes etapas de evolución del programa de mejora continua.

Diseño/metodología: Estudio cualitativo multicaso con 4 empresas medianas, líderes en sus sectores, y con recursos económicos.

Aportaciones y resultados: Presenta una propuesta de relación entre facilitadores, etapas de evolución y sus conductas asociadas y pone de manifiesto que la evolución de la implantación de la mejora continua no se trata de un continuo incremental, sino que existe un punto de discontinuidad entre las etapas 3 y 4, que exige un cambio radical en el proceso de implantación.

Valor añadido: Extiende el modelo de Bessant et al (2001) explicitando cómo avanzar en el desarrollo de la implementación de unos niveles a otros superiores a través de la activación de los facilitadores adecuados. También presenta ejemplos de aplicación que pueden resultar muy ilustrativos para los directivos de producción. Además, plantea una secuencia de activación de los facilitadores que permite orientar a los mandos en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la implantación y despliegue de la mejora continua en sus empresas.

Palabras clave

mejora continua, facilitadores, conductas, evolución, caso, modelo de evolución


Purpose: The evolution model of continuous improvement is at an intermediate stage of development. Previous research had been raised and validated levels and behaviors of continuous improvement. However, there is no clear relationship between levels, routines in terms of group of behaviours, and enablers. We propose a differentiated conceptual definition for facilitators and for the behaviors. We have also collected and summarized a list of enablers that support the development of continuous improvement. In addition, we propose a model of when and how to activate the enablers and the impact of these enablers to go forward at different stages of evolution of the continuous improvement.

Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative Multicase study with 4 midsize businesses with financial resources and leaders in their industries.

Findings and Originality/value: Presents a relationship between facilitators, phases of evolution and its associated behaviors and demonstrates that the evolution of the implementation of continuous improvement is not a continuous incremental, but there is a point of discontinuity between stages 3 and 4 , which requires a radical change in the implementation process.

Originality/value: extend the model of Bessant et al. (2001) explaining how to advance the implementation to higher levels of continuous improvement through the activation of appropriate facilitators. It also presents examples of applications that can be very illustrative for production managers. Also raises an activation sequence of facilitators for guiding the manager in making decisions related to the implementation and deployment of continuous improvement in their companies.


Continuous improvement; enablers; behaviors; case-study; evolution model

Visitas: 19

Publicado: Alfalla-Luque, Marin-Garcia, Medina-Lopez. An analysis of the direct and mediated effects of employee commitment and supply chain integration on organisational performance, International Journal of Production Economics

Alfalla-Luque, Marin-Garcia, Medina-Lopez. An analysis of the direct and mediated effects of employee commitment and supply chain integration on organisational performance, International Journal of Production Economics

Available online 14 July 2014 ISSN 0925-5273 (

Abstract: Abstract This paper focuses on the interrelationships between the different dimensions of supply chain integration. Specifically, it examines the relationship between employee commitment and supply chain integration dimensions to explain several performance measures (flexibility, delivery, quality, inventory and customer satisfaction). Very little research has been conducted into this topic, since employee commitment is rarely included as an antecedent of the effect of supply chain integration on performance. Seven research models have been analysed with Structural Equation Models using a multiple-informant international sample of 266 mid-to-large-size manufacturing plants. The findings suggest that the relationship between employee commitment and operational performance is fully mediated by supply chain integration. Employee commitment contributes to improving internal integration, and internal integration affects performance both directly and indirectly. Moreover, obtaining internal integration helps to achieve supplier and customer integration. As a result, companies should strive to achieve both employee commitment and internal integration, as they mutually reinforce each other. Similarly, managers should achieve internal integration before external integration and include external integration at the strategic level in order to reap the greatest advantages from supply chain integration. Meanwhile, managers should promote employee commitment not only for better supply chain success, but also to mitigate the barriers of supply chain management implementation.

Keywords: Supply Chain Integration; Commitment; Performance; Mediation

Visitas: 19

Publicado Giraldo-O’Meara, M.; Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Martínez-Gómez, M. (2014). Validation of the JDS Satisfaction Scales Applied to Educational University Environments. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 7[1], 72-99

Giraldo-O’Meara, M.; Marin-Garcia, J. A. & Martínez-Gómez, M. (2014). Validation of the JDS Satisfaction Scales Applied to Educational University Environments. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 7[1], 72-99.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to review and summarize the main satisfaction scales used in publications about human Resource Management and educational research, in order to adapt the satisfaction scales of the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) to higher education and validate it with a sample of university students and to assess the concept of satisfaction in two different ways: as a single-item measure, with a global indicator and as a multi-item measure, analyzed as a global model and composed by several scales.

Design/methodology/approach: Confirmatory factor analysis with maximum likelihood, using structural equations model, was employed to assess the model fit in 152 business management undergraduates.

Findings and Originality/value: The satisfaction model measured as multi-item scale present an acceptable fit. Even though, some of the satisfaction scales did not present a satisfactory fit, they can be used and interpreted independently with carefulness. Nevertheless, the satisfaction single-item scale presents a better fit and has been validated as a simpler and less costly measure of satisfaction.

Originality/value: In the current process of change that is taking place in universities according to the plan developed by the European Space of higher Education, validated instruments as the satisfaction scale of JDS, adapted to teaching, may facilitate this process through the diagnosis, and follow-up of changes in satisfaction levels in university classrooms.


satisfaction; scale validation; higher education; JDS; university; SEM; EQS

Visitas: 21

Publicado Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Bonavía, T. (2013). La Organización De La Producción De Las Empresas De Pavimentos y Revestimientos Cerámicos. Alta Dirección [277/278], 42-50.

Marin-Garcia, J. A. & Bonavía, T. (2013). La Organización De La Producción De Las Empresas De Pavimentos y Revestimientos Cerámicos. Alta Dirección [277/278], 42-50.
En este artículo, describimos los datos recogidos en las entrevistas realizadas a 101 directores de producción y en las visitas posteriores a sus plantas. En nuestros análisis, podemos observar que existen diferencias significativas en el grado de uso de determinadas herramientas de gestión de la producción, cuando agrupamos a las empresas por tipo de producto que fabrican. También hemos apreciado que las empresas con más de 150 trabajadores en plantilla, usan más las herramientas contempladas en nuestra investigación (ISO-9000, mejora continua en grupos, mantenimiento preventivo, controles de calidad…). Además, hemos comprobado que existen algunas herramientas, como por ejemplo el SMED, que apenas se han implantado en las empresas del sector.

Visitas: 10

Publicado Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Perez-Peñalver, M. J. ; Watts, F. (2013). How to Assess Innovation Competence in Services: The Case of University Students. Dirección y Organización [50], 48-62.

Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Perez-Peñalver, M. J. & Watts, F. (2013). How to Assess Innovation Competence in Services: The Case of University Students. Dirección y Organización [50], 48-62.

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to review the concept of innovation capacity in higher education students, proposing
constructs for a measurement model of innovation capacity as a second-order formative model and validation of measurement
scales with 332 students from a Spanish university. The proposed model can be considered to meet, in general, the criteria for
content validity and the validation tests suitable for the formative model. Thus, the academic community can benefit from a validated
measurement instrument that can be used in the future to collect data on dependent and independent variables in causal
models. The paper also presents a contribution for teaching professionals interested in measuring the degree of development of
innovation competence in their students.
Keywords: questionnaire validation, innovation, competence, capacity, skills, assessment, higher education, PLS.
Resumen: Este trabajo presenta una definición de la capacidad de innovación de los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello se propondrá
el modelo de medida de las variables latentes, considerando la capacidad de innovación como un modelo de segundo orden
formativo. Las escalas se han validado con una muestra de 332 estudiantes universitarios españoles. Podemos considerar que
el modelo propuesto cumple, en general, con los criterios de validez de contenido y las pruebas de validación de escalas formativas.
Ofrecemos a la comunidad académica un instrumento validado que puede ser usado, en el futuro, para medir variables dependientes
o independientes de modelos causales. También representa una contribución para los profesores universitarios interesados
en evaluar el grado de desarrollo de la competencia de innovación en sus alumnos.
Palabras clave: validación de cuestionario, innovación, competencia, capacidad, habilidades, evaluación, universidad, PLS.

Visitas: 15

Publicado Garcia-Sabater, J. P.; Maheut, J. & Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2013). A New Formulation Technique to Model Materials and Operations Planning: The Generic Materials and Operations Planning (GMOP) Problem. European Journal of Industrial Engineering 7[2], 119-147.

Garcia-Sabater, J. P.; Maheut, J. & Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2013). A New Formulation Technique to Model Materials and Operations Planning: The Generic Materials and Operations Planning (GMOP) Problem. European Journal of Industrial Engineering 7[2], 119-147.
This paper presents a technique that mathematically models relationships between operations and materials, which amends the usual technique used to model Materials and Resources Requirement Planning through Mathematical Programming. This technique represents operations and materials requirement planning by extending the bill of materials concept beyond the Gozinto structure. This so-called Generic Materials and Operations Planning (GMOP) Problem is based on the «stroke» concept. The decision variables are the operations (strokes) each resource is capable of, and not materials or resources. This form extends modeling capacity to transformation operations, resource and product substitution, and material transportation. It considers most conventional bills of materials types (direct, alternative and reverse BOMs, alternative resources and routings) with the same data structure. It contemplates multi-level problem modeling, and even packaging and alternative transport modes. The same data structure represents these characteristics. The problem, its mathematical modeling approach and examples illustrating its use are provided.

Keyword: Alternative bill of materials; Alternative operations; Alternative routings; Generic Materials and Operations Planning; Material Requirement Planning; Packaging; Product substitution; Reverse bill of materials; Stroke; Supply chain management.

Visitas: 11

Publicado Perello-Marin, M. R.; Marin-Garcia, J. A. & Marcos-Cuevas, J. (2013). Towards a Path Dependence Approach to Study Management Innovation. Management Decision 51[5], 1037-1046

Perello-Marin, M. R.; Marin-Garcia, J. A. & Marcos-Cuevas, J. (2013). Towards a Path Dependence Approach to Study Management Innovation. Management Decision 51[5], 1037-1046.
Purpose – Scholars in social sciences tend to use the term of path dependence without explaining
exactly what they mean by it Path dependence is a useful approach to understand the success or
otherwise of the implementation of management innovation. The aim of this paper is to identify under
which conditions it makes sense to talk about path dependence, and the relevance of using path
dependence to the analysis of management innovation
Designlmethodology/appmach – The path dependence literature in different contexts and
knowledge areas within social science is reviewed using a nanative approach
Findings – The concept of path dependence can be used to study management innovation,
particular ly when analyzing the introduction of new management practices The authors argue that
the order in which management practices are introduced has a profound effect on the outcomes for the
organization When the appropriate practices are introduced first, these create enhanced capabilities
for the implementation of subsequent practices. If inappropriate practices are rolled out, they may
severely impede management innovation and thus evolution and change of the firm
Research limitations/implications – This work highlights the need to conduct further research to
understand the interaction between existing practices and the new ones This study can be extended
with an empirical work to corroborate the results presented here
Originality/value – By reviewing the different definitions of path dependence that exist in the
literature, this paper will stimulate a debate on the necessary and sufficient conditions of path
dependence and encourage a greater level of clarity in the management innovation area.
Keywords Path dependence, Management innovation, Management practices, Complexity, Managers,
Innovation, Organizational innovation
Paper type Literature review
1. Introduction
In an increasingly competitive environment, in which changes happen so r§lpidly,
organizations endeavor to evolve in order to achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage .. Firms’ emphasis on maximizing flexibility and adaptability to continuous
change becomes key to ensure future success changes (Adamides and Pomonis, 2009;
Antonelli, 2009; Burnes, 2004b; Farinos  et aI, 2011; Karlsson and Ahlstrom, 1996;
The work described in this paper has been supported by the project «CORSARI MAGIC
DPI201O-18243» by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion del Gobierno de Españia within the
Program de «Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental No Orientada» ..
A path
Management Decision
Vol 51 No. 5, 2013
pp. 10371046
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Visitas: 30

Publicado Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Alfalla-Luque, R. & Medina-López, C. (2013). Supply Chain Integration Scales Validation and Benchmark Values. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 6[2], 423-440.

Marin-Garcia, J. A.; Alfalla-Luque, R. & Medina-López, C. (2013). Supply Chain Integration Scales Validation and Benchmark Values. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 6[2], 423-440.

Purpose: The clarification of the constructs of the supply chain integration (clients, suppliers, external and internal), the creation of a measurement instrument based on a list of items taken from earlier papers, the validation of these scales and a preliminary benchmark to interpret the scales by percentiles based on a set of control variables (size of the plant, country, sector and degree of vertical integration).

Design/methodology/approach: Our empirical analysis is based on the HPM project database (2005-2007 timeframe). The international sample is made up of 266 plants across ten countries: Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden and the USA. In each country. We analized the descriptive statistics, internal consistency testing to purify the items (inter-item correlations, Cronbach’s alpha, squared multiple correlation, corrected item-total correlation), exploratory factor analysis, and finally, a confirmatory factor analysis to check the convergent and discriminant validity of the scales. The analyses will be done with the SPSS and EQS programme using the maximum likelihood parameter estimation method.

Findings: The four proposed scales show excellent psychometric properties.

Research limitations/implications: with a clearer and more concise designation of the supply chain integration measurement scales more reliable and accurate data could be taken to analyse the relations between these constructs with other variables of interest to the academic l fields.

Practical implications: providing scales that are valid as a diagnostic tool for best practices, as well as providing a benchmark with which to compare the score for each individual plant against a collection of industrial companies from the machinery, electronics and transportation sectors.

Originality/value: supply chain integration may be a major factor in explaining the performance of companies. The results are nevertheless inconclusive, the vast range of results obtained are due, amongst other things, to the fact that there is no exactness to the group of scales used, no-one has yet published an analysis of the measurement models nor clear benchmarks as to the variety of the scales used.


scale validation; questionnaire; reliability; validity; psichometric properties; supply chain integration

Visitas: 7

Publicado Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2013). What Do We Know About the Relationship Between High Involvement Work Practices and Performance? Working Papers on Operations Management 4[2], 01-15.

Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2013). What Do We Know About the Relationship Between High Involvement Work Practices and Performance? Working Papers on Operations Management 4[2], 01-15.
En este artículo se han identificación varias preguntas a plantear para identificar la relación entre los programas de recursos humanos de alta implicación (HIWP) y el desempeño organizativo: ¿qué constructos medir?, ¿cómo medirlos?, ¿qué prevalencia tienen los constructos?, ¿cómo actúan los HIWP?, ¿cuáles son las variables moderadoras a contemplar?, ¿qué correlación existe entre los constructos?). Analizar cuáles de ellas están respondidas ya y cuáles no y plantear una posible línea de trabajo para resolver las cuestiones pendientes. Los resultados apuntan a una necesidad de seguir haciendo aportaciones en la investigación sobre relación de HIWP y desempeño organizativo mediante estudios transversales. También se van a dar recomendaciones de hacia dónde se pueden orientar esas aportaciones para ayudar a tener integraciones (meta-análisis) más potentes en el futuro. Todo ello con el fin de abrir un debate académico sobre estos temas y para ofrecer a potenciales autores un espacio donde publicar sus resultados de investigación si deciden investigar en estas líneas y no encuentran otros canales de publicación académica que consideren más interesantes que la revista WPOM.

(Article raises several questions to identify the relationship between high involvement human resource programs (HIWP) and organizational performance: which constructs to measure?, how to measure them?, and what are the constructs prevalence?, how HIWP works ?, what are the moderating variables to consider?, and what correlation exists between the constructs? Then we analyze which of them are answered already, and which are not. This raises a possible line of work to resolve outstanding issues. The results point to a need for further research on HIWP and organizational performance relationship through cross-sectional studies. Will also give recommendations to where these contributions can be oriented to help take integrations (meta-analysis) more powerful in the future. All this, in order to open an academic debate on these issues and to provide a space where potential authors publish their research results if they decide to investigate on these lines and found no other academic publication channels they find more interesting than WPOM the journal.)

Keywords: HIWP; RRHH; Recursos humanos; Performance; SLR; Systematic literature review; Revisión sistemática de la literatura

Visitas: 12